Friday, September 10, 2010

A bit of a set back...

I'm not going to be too tough on myself but this evening was a definite set back... I had to run 9 miles at tempo pace according to the furman programme, but ended up only running 5 (and actually walking a small bit of that).  No real excuses, simply that the body sent out a strong message that I should cut it some slack and take a bit of a rest.  Hope to be hopping fit again for Sunday's long run, after all, there's only four weeks left before the taper starts for the Dublin marathon...


  1. Sometimes it's just better to say sod it and start again another day. Some runs were just not meant to be but I usually find that after a crap one, the next one feels so much better. Oh and try this, once, when running home from work (3 miles) I gave up and got on a bus that was moving slower than walking pace due to traffic after only one mile because it just wasn't happening. It happens to us all

  2. Thanks for that - it's good to hear that it happens to everyone every once and awhile. There's no traffic around here to slow up any bus (no buses either though!).
