Friday, July 29, 2011

Tough Tempo and Twenty Five Mile Cycle.

A good start to the tempo season with Conor in Seanféistín

I went out to Seanféistín on Wednesday evening with Conor, with a tempo run in mind:  1 mile easy, 4 miles fast and 1 mile slow.  We chatted merrily for mile one and then Conor turned to me and said; 'do whatever pace you feel like for the tempo and I'll follow'.  So off I went, like the clappers.  Seanféistín is an unforgiving road which goes from one uphill climb to another and I was like a fool for a mile and a half running at a pace I had no hope to maintain.  By the time I reached the end of the first 1.5 mile my pace dropped dramatically.  I picked it up again at the turn, but then had to stop completely!  The shame!  I didn't stop for too long though and was off again, but at a steadier pace.  I finished the the tempo with a strong mile - thanks to a prolonged downhill stretch...On Thursday I took to the bike with my legs still aching from Wednesday's run... I cycled for two hours and covered a distance of 40km - which I'm happy enough about... however, I'll need to be covering three times that each day just to get to Louth for my planned epic holiday adventure!

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