Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Glorious Five Miler!

Walkers and runners of all species heading out towards Mutton Island...

A glorious day for a run.  I left work and drove towards the Prom to run my Mutton Island route - determined to stick with the policy of taking it easy for this time of year, as well as taking Running Fox's advice of adding a 'fast mile'.  My pace was around 9.15ish as I started off in an area called the Claddagh - an old fishing village.  Here I swung my little digital camera into action and snapped some lobster pots that were left up on the quay wall.  I then headed out through South Park towards the Mutton Island causeway, with the old lighthouse and sewerage plant looming in the distance!  The place was full of walkers and runners, with dogs on roller skates!  Turning back from the Island I finally headed for th famous Prom.  The sun was blinding above - though it was actually a chilly evening for anyone standing still!  The walkers of Galway have a tradition of walking as far as the old wall by Blackrock, at which point they kick the wall and turn for home!  This kick was my signal to up the pace and put in that 'fast mile' - it may have only been 3/4 of a mile, but it was fast...!  I'd say I ran about 5 miles in all, and enjoyed every one of them!  

The 'one-per-month' racing plan is to head for Dublin this weekend, where Kevin, Cormac and I will compete in the Mansion House 5k.  It means missing out on the Craughwell 10 miler in order to keep the Brother's quest going - but well worth it I think.  My book tip today is Born to Run - a fantastic read about barefoot running in Mexico!

1 comment:

  1. I arrived in Portugal today for the half on Sunday and have brought that same book with me. Looking forward to starting it, once I catch up on my blog reading.
