I sprung out of bed this morning at 6am . Surprisingly I was full of energy, something I didn't expect following yesterday evening's interval training session. What was required of me was 6 by 800m repeats at 3/4 pace, with the obligatory warm up and down. This was my first session of interval training since early August, so I didn't know how I'd react. After the second 800m set I nearly collapsed, put my hands on my knees, gasped for air as my chest contracted, and thought I would drop dead there and then on the football pitches of South Park! And what a place to cork it - with the sun shining on Galway Bay, boys playing hurling, women out walking and jogging and life whizzing all around me... and there, in the middle of it all, am I - having a collapse! I recovered enough to run the third set of 800s at a slightly (ok, significantly) slower pace. And then the fourth set, fifth set and finally sixth set of 800s - hey presto, job done! A hell of a tough workout. And the effect of it all: I sprung out of bed at 6am this morning, went for a walk, cleaned the kitchend and am full of beans and ready for work!
Good Job mar a deireann na Yanks!!