Sunday, March 7, 2010

Back Sore, Legs Heavy, Road Just Too Long...

Tough 8 miles out Seanféistín...having spent yesterday digging the garden was no help to me today. My back was a bit sore and my legs were very heavy so it was painful from the word go. A slow enough pace too - around 9 minute miles. Still, it's the last big run before Craughwell next week so I'm happy just to have finished it. It shows one thing for certain - you should'nt dig up the garden before running 8 miles in Seanféistín.


  1. I will remember never to dig my garden before i run 8 miles in Seanféistín. Sage advice indeed :)

  2. I know Phil - if I achieve nothing else I will have imparted that gem of wisdom!
