It's been a week since my last entry, but far from being a neglectful runner, I've actually had a good week's training. It consisted of : intervals on Monday, tempo run on Wednesday and then the long weekend run. This weekend saw my own club's big event - the Conamara 10k - held in Carna, give myself and Kevin (the Run a Month Club!) an opportunity to click our 10th month. The day was a bit drizzly and dark to start off with, but by the time the race got underway it turned, well, just a little less drizzly and dark! Kevin and I started and finished together, again, and this time we finished just a few seconds outside the 53min mark! The course was very scenic - starting off outside of the Connemara Bay Hotel in Carna and then winding it's way around the outskirts of this gorgeous village. There were hills - but they also went downward! Full credit to the lads in the club who organised this event - including the oft mentioned Big Ron! - it was a really fun day out and well geared for families. We were all thrilled to hear some advice from the great Caitriona McKiernan (former Cross Country Champion) after the race. The other great thing about a local race is that friends are met that are rarely seen these days (due to mundane adult responsibilities). One such friend was Aideen, who finished the race in 47mins and is in flying form.
On another, unconnected matter: our poor rugby lads lost this morning to Wales in the world cup... pity for them. They should, however, hold their heads high for one particular reason: they just may have fostered a new habit in Irish people, that of getting up at 5.30am - now this could lead to a healthy and productive economy???!