Sunday, July 8, 2012

9 miles, and good week...

My lack of posting is due to an internet problem we've been having at home, but I'm stealing moments now to report on a good(ish) week!  
I'm in serious training for the big cycle at the moment... just a little over a month to go until I cross the country on the Rose's Cycle for the Jack and Jill Foundation, so it's high time to get my backside in gear!  I ran 4 mile repeats on Tuesday, a 40k cycle on Wednesday, a 5 mile tempo run on Thursday, and then a 9 mile run today.  Not  too bad...
Today's run started sluggishly - I could feel dinner bouncing around in my stomach for the first three miles...  However, by the time I had reached the village and started heading for the Coral Strand I was running easily and freely.  Conditions were perfect - bright, and a little breezy, and my pace was just about fair - maybe 8.50ish.  I'll have to up my cycling from next week - get a 60k or two in, but for now it's job well done...

1 comment:

  1. Cycle and run is good. Great to hear you are runing a tempo run once a week. You'll be in perfect shape soon!
    I'm running three times a week and swimming twice (I always swim at least 1 km every time).
