Thursday, September 5, 2013

Back to Interval Training...

Hopefully last night's session will mark the start of a good stint for me... I did intervals as follows:  one mile easy, one mile hard, break, one mile hard, break, 0.5 miles hard, and finally one mile easy.  Nearly killed me but I felt great afterwards.  I'm gearing up now to do the Nicola Barry 10k in Stabannon on October 3rd... I've lost a lot of training so the mind is now focussed to try to better my PB for that race.


  1. be're playing with fire with intervals. make sure you get good recovery before running hard again.

  2. The program had me running 400's last night, but... I sent the boys off to train without me and went for an easy run instead... I'm pleased you are doing the intervals instead of me...

  3. Hi Martin, let me konw about your last 10 km which you ran race on October 3rd.
